UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute The Viterbi Family Department of Ophthalmology UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute
by name
Afshari, Natalie A. Baxter, Sally L. Borooah, Shyamanga Brown, Stuart I. Camp, Andrew Ferreyra, Henry A. Freeman, William R. Girkin, Christopher Goldbaum, Michael H. Granet, David B. Haw, Weldon W. Heichel, Chris W. Hennein, Lauren Huang, Alex A. Huang, Lingling Kikkawa, Don O. Kline, Lanning Korn, Bobby S. Lee, Jeffrey E. Liu, Catherine Y. Moghimi, Sasan Movaghar, Mansoor Nguyen, Thao P. Nudleman, Eric Puig-Llano, Manuel Robbins, Shira L. Rudell, Jolene Savino, Peter J. Scott, Nathan L. Spencer, Doran B. Toomey, Christopher B. Vasile, Cristiana Weinreb, Robert N. Welsbie, Derek S.
by specialty
Comprehensive Ophthalmology Cornea & Cataracts Dry Eye Clinic Glaucoma Neuro-Ophthalmology Ocular Oncology Ophthalmic Genetics Ophthalmic Pathology Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Ophthalmology Informatics and Data Science Optometry & Low Vision Pediatric Ophthalmology & Eye Alignment Disorders Refractive Surgery / LASIK Retina & Vitreous Thyroid Eye Clinic Uveitis
by condition
AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) Cataracts Corneal Conditions Cosmetic Surgery Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Cancer Eye Movement Disorders Glaucoma Hereditary (Genetic) Disorders Low Vision Neuro-Ophthalmic Conditions Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Pediatric Conditions Refractive Errors Retinal Diseases Strabismus (Strabimus) Thyroid Eye Disease Uveitis
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Why Ophthalmology?

Ophthalmology is an incredibly gratifying field, encompassing both medical and surgical treatments to preserve and improve sight for our patients.

Online Resources for Medical Students in Ophthalmology

American Academy of Ophthalmology aao.org/medical-students

Resources for Medical Students from the American Academy of Ophthalmology

Student Doctor studentdoctor.net

Largest online forum for ophthalmology having information of applying in ophthalmology and miscallenous questions.

Ophthobook ophthobook.com

A fantastic resource written by an ophthlalmologist Timothy Root with entertaining lectures and text to explain ophthalmology as a medical student level.

How Do Eye Match howdoeyematch.com/for-students/

Website started by ophthalmology resident which has helpful information on applying to ophthalmology

Top 10 Reasons to Become an Ophthalmologist

- Abridged from a presentation by Daniel Chao, M.D., Ph.D.

10. Ophthalmologists have a lot of toys.

- Ophthalmology is very technology oriented with cutting edge lasers, microscopes, cameras and various instruments to use to prevent blindness

9. The eye is a window into the soul and systemic disease

- Not only do diagnose eye disease, but we can save lives through diagnosis of pituitary tumors, CNS aneurysms, sequale and hypertension and diabetes, and cancer

8. Ophthalmology clinic is actually a lot of fun

- Clinic consists of examination with various microscopes, office procedures such as lasers, injections and biopsy. It is more than just a vehicle to sign up people for surgery.

7. Ophthalmology allows for excellent work-life balance

After finishing training, most ophthalmologists work regular hours with time for family and other activities.

6. There is a subspecialty for every type of person and personality.

Cornea, Pediatrics, Retina, Oncology, Glaucoma, Ocular Pathology, Neuro-ophthalmology- there is something for everyone

5. There are many opportunities for global health in ophthalmology

- The #1 cause of blindness in the world is cataract. A simple 10-15 minute procedure that you learn in residency can literally “cure blindness” in many parts of the world. Few things are more satisfying than this

4. Ophthalmology surgeries are fun, rewarding and short.

- Most surgery is under the microscope, lasting between 10 minutes to 2 hours. - And you get to sit down like a civilized person!

3. Ophthalmologists are at the forefront of medical research and innovation

Ophthalmology is an ideal field for MD/PhDs. Ophthalmology is at the forefront of biomedical research in gene therapy, stem cells and regenerative medicine, imaging, vascular biology among others. All areas of research are represented within ophthalmology. There are huge opportunities for clinician-scientists in ophthalmology and much less competitive compared to saturated areas like oncology and neurology.

2. People care about their vision.

People fear going blind more than dying. Thus, when you suggest treatment for their eyes, patients will usually follow it.

1. Ophthalmology is filled with happy, smart, nice people

The ophthalmology community is filled with inspiring smart, happy and fun to be around people.

UCSD Virtual Tour

Alumni Testimonials

UCSD Glaucoma Fellows

Interview with Residency Director, Jeff Lee, MD

Meet Robyn And Learn More About The Program

UCSD Applicants

More Questions?

Contact us for any remaining questions about residency at Shiley Eye Institute.


The Shiley Eye Institute is a full-service facility offering everything from basic eye exams to the most advanced diagnostic tests and sophisticated surgery from world-renowned physicians and staff.


9415 Campus Point Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0946

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