UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute The Viterbi Family Department of Ophthalmology UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute
by name
Afshari, Natalie A. Baxter, Sally L. Borooah, Shyamanga Brown, Stuart I. Camp, Andrew Do, Jiun Ferreyra, Henry A. Freeman, William R. Goldbaum, Michael H. Granet, David B. Haw, Weldon W. Heichel, Chris W. Hennein, Lauren Huang, Alex A. Huang, Lingling Kikkawa, Don O. Kline, Lanning Korn, Bobby S. Lee, Jeffrey E. Liu, Catherine Y. Moghimi, Sasan Movaghar, Mansoor Nguyen, Thao P. Nudleman, Eric Puig-Llano, Manuel Robbins, Shira L. Rudell, Jolene Savino, Peter J. Scott, Nathan L. Spencer, Doran B. Toomey, Christopher B. Vasile, Cristiana Weinreb, Robert N. Welsbie, Derek S.
by specialty
Comprehensive Ophthalmology Cornea & Cataracts Dry Eye Clinic Glaucoma Neuro-Ophthalmology Ocular Oncology Ophthalmic Genetics Ophthalmic Pathology Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Ophthalmology Informatics and Data Science Optometry & Low Vision Pediatric Ophthalmology & Eye Alignment Disorders Refractive Surgery / LASIK Retina & Vitreous Thyroid Eye Clinic Uveitis
by condition
AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) Cataracts Corneal Conditions Cosmetic Surgery Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Cancer Eye Movement Disorders Glaucoma Hereditary (Genetic) Disorders Low Vision Neuro-Ophthalmic Conditions Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Pediatric Conditions Refractive Errors Retinal Diseases Strabismus (Strabimus) Thyroid Eye Disease Uveitis
Resident Alumni Banner

Residency Alumni

Alumni Highlights

Shiley residency alumni have utilized their top-notch training to launch successful careers across many areas, including clinical practice, research, education, and advocacy. Below are a few examples of recent alumni accomplishments, and a longer list of alumni testimonials.

Heed Fellows and Heed Retreat participants

  • Medi Eslani, MD (2023)
  • Marissa Shoji, MD (2023
  • Christopher Toomey, MD, PhD (2020)
  • James Walsh, MD, PhD (2020)
  • Sally Baxter, MD, MSc (2018)
  • Lilangi Ediriwickrema, MD (2018)
  • Tommy Korn, MD (2000)

Leaders in Medical Education

  • Kyle Godfrey, MD (2017) - Ophthalmology Residency Program Director, Weill Cornell Medicine/New York Presbyterian Hospital
  • Jeffrey Lee, MD (2009) - Ophthalmology Residency Program Director, UCSD Viterbi Family Department of Ophthalmology and Shiley Eye Institute

Research Award Recipients

  • Christopher Toomey, MD, PhD (2020) - 2023 Research to Prevent Blindness Career Development Award
  • Sally Baxter, MD, MSc (2018) - 2020 NIH Office of the Director Early Independence Award

Leaders in Advocacy

  • Diane Shiba, MD (2009) - President of the California Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons

Leaders in Industry

  • David Kuo, MD (2021) - Genentech
  • Abigail Huang, MD (2016) - Verily Life Sciences

Residency Alumni

  • Class of 2024
  • George Villatoro, MD, Chief Resident 2023-2024
  • Rafaella Cleto Penteado, MD
  • Helena Gali, MD
  • Andrew C. H. Lin, MD
  • Class of 2023
  • Justin Arnett, MD
  • Jenny Hu, MD
  • Maya Yamane, MD
  • Medi Eslani, MD
  • Class of 2022
  • Aimee Chang, MD
  • Liane Dallalzadeh, MD
  • Lingling Huang, MD, PhD
  • Mark Lin, MD
  • Class of 2021
  • Allison Chen, M.D., M.P.H.
  • Adeleh Yarmohammadi, M.D.
  • David Kuo, M.D.
  • Kaileen Yeh, M.D.
  • Class of 2020
  • James Walsh, M.D., Ph.D (Jamie), Chief Resident 2019-2020
  • Heather Chen, M.D.
  • Clara Men, M.D.
  • Christopher Toomey, M.D., Ph.D
  • Class of 2019
  • Sally Baxter, M.D., Chief Resident 2018-2019
  • Akintomide Apara, M.D., Ph.D (Tommy)
  • Rohan Verma, M.D.
  • Jeffrey Wang, M.D.
  • Zhiyong Yang, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Class of 2018
  • Amir Marvasti, M.D., Chief Resident 2017-2018
  • Derek Mai, M.D.
  • Landon Grange, M.D.
  • Class of 2017
  • Kyle Godfrey, M.D., Chief Resident 2016-2017
  • Nickisa Hodgson, M.D.
  • Brenda Nuyen, M.D.
  • Courtney Ondeck, M.D.
  • Class of 2016
  • Brian Chang, M.D., Chief Resident 2015-2016
  • Abigail Huang, M.D., Chief Resident 2015-2016
  • Roman Fajardo, M.D.
  • Usha Kumar, M.D.
  • Class of 2015
  • Lilit Minasyan, M.D., Chief Resident 2014-2015
  • Hema Ramkumar, M.D., Chief Resident 2014-2015
  • Matthew Bedell, M.D.
  • Jean-Paul Abboud, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Class of 2014
  • Charlotte Gore, M.D., Chief Resident 2013-2014
  • Elizabeth Pinney, M.D.
  • Cristiana Vasile, M.D.
  • Class of 2013
  • Jeffrey Liu, M.D., Chief Resident 2012-2013
  • Solomon Shaftel, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Kevin Tan, M.D.
  • Class of 2012
  • Sara Bozorg, M.D., Chief Resident 2011-2012
  • Milad Hakimbashi, M.D.
  • Jonathan Tung, M.D.
  • Class of 2011
  • Katherine Whipple, M.D., Chief Resident 2010-2011
  • Payam Amini, M.D.
  • Anjali Parekh, M.D.
  • Class of 2010
  • Ankur Shah, MD, Chief Resident 2009-2010
  • Patrick Danaher, MD
  • Sara Yoon, MD
  • Class of 2009
  • Kouros Nouri-Mahdavi, MD, MS, Chief Resident 2008-2009
  • Jeffrey Lee, MD
  • Diana Shiba, MD
  • Class of 2008
  • Nicole Brandt, MD, Chief Resident 2007-2008
  • Franklin Li, MD
  • Kourosh Mohammadi, MD
  • Class of 2007
  • Arthur Korotkin, MD, Chief Resident 2006-2007
  • Lisa Garbutt, MD
  • Lawrence Hou, MD
  • Class of 2006
  • Tony Pham, MD, Chief Resident 2005-2006
  • Tara Brown, MD
  • Class of 2005
  • Bobby S. Korn, MD, PhD, Chief Resident 2004-2005
  • Henry Ferreyra, MD
  • Kristine Harvey, MD
  • Class of 2004
  • Victoria Morrison, MD, Chief Resident 2003-2004
  • Parastou Abedi, MD
  • Polly Henderson, MD
  • Class of 2003
  • Christopher Heichel, MD, Chief Resident 2002-2003
  • Brian Desmond, MD
  • Class of 2002
  • Eun-Ha Park, MD, Chief Resident 2001-2002
  • Marc Booth, MD
  • Eric Jones, MD
  • Class of 2001
  • Shahin Shahrokni, MD, Chief Resident 2000-2001
  • Thu-Trang Phung, MD
  • Dana Tannebaum, MD
  • Class of 2000
  • Tommy Korn, MD, Chief Resident 1999-2000
  • Renata Ochabski, MD

UCSD Virtual Tour

Alumni Testimonials

UCSD Glaucoma Fellows

Interview with Residency Director, Jeff Lee, MD

Meet Robyn And Learn More About The Program

UCSD Applicants

More Questions?

Contact us for any remaining questions about residency at Shiley Eye Institute.


The Shiley Eye Institute is a full-service facility offering everything from basic eye exams to the most advanced diagnostic tests and sophisticated surgery from world-renowned physicians and staff.


9415 Campus Point Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0946

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