UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute The Viterbi Family Department of Ophthalmology UC San Diego Shiley Eye Institute
by name
Afshari, Natalie A. Baxter, Sally L. Borooah, Shyamanga Brown, Stuart I. Camp, Andrew Ferreyra, Henry A. Freeman, William R. Girkin, Christopher Goldbaum, Michael H. Granet, David B. Haw, Weldon W. Heichel, Chris W. Hennein, Lauren Huang, Alex A. Huang, Lingling Kikkawa, Don O. Kline, Lanning Korn, Bobby S. Lee, Jeffrey E. Liu, Catherine Y. Moghimi, Sasan Movaghar, Mansoor Nguyen, Thao P. Nudleman, Eric Puig-Llano, Manuel Robbins, Shira L. Rudell, Jolene Savino, Peter J. Scott, Nathan L. Spencer, Doran B. Toomey, Christopher B. Vasile, Cristiana Weinreb, Robert N. Welsbie, Derek S.
by specialty
Comprehensive Ophthalmology Cornea & Cataracts Dry Eye Clinic Glaucoma Neuro-Ophthalmology Ocular Oncology Ophthalmic Genetics Ophthalmic Pathology Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Ophthalmology Informatics and Data Science Optometry & Low Vision Pediatric Ophthalmology & Eye Alignment Disorders Refractive Surgery / LASIK Retina & Vitreous Thyroid Eye Clinic Uveitis
by condition
AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration) Cataracts Corneal Conditions Cosmetic Surgery Diabetic Retinopathy Eye Cancer Eye Movement Disorders Glaucoma Hereditary (Genetic) Disorders Low Vision Neuro-Ophthalmic Conditions Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Pediatric Conditions Refractive Errors Retinal Diseases Strabismus (Strabimus) Thyroid Eye Disease Uveitis
Fellowship Banner

Pediatric Ophthalmology (AAPOS Approved)

Director: David B. Granet, MD, FAAO, FAAP, FACS
Fellowship Preceptor: Shira L Robbins, M.D., FAAO, FAAP
Fellowship Preceptor: Mansoor Movaghar, MD
Fellowship Preceptor: Jolene Rudell, MD, PhD
Fellowship Preceptor: Scott McClatchey, MD
Fellowship Coordinator: Amy Le


Learn More about the Ratner Eye Center and Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship from these videos.

[RatnerIntro] [EduSurgery]

[Faculty] [SumUp]



Shira Robbins, M.D. and David Granet, M.D.


Fellowship Mission Statement

The mission of the UC San Diego Ratner Children’s Eye Center Pediatric Ophthalmology fellowship is to train American and International Ophthalmologists to be outstanding Pediatric Ophthalmologists & Adult Strabismologists who excel clinically, surgically, ethically and morally. Our fellows will participate in research which positively impacts the field and develop an appreciation for the importance of global teaching and learning.

The University of California, San Diego Fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology is a 12-month AAPOS-approved fellowship. The goal of this fellowship is to provide the fellow with in-depth exposure to all aspects of pediatric ophthalmology and eye alignment disorders in children and adults. We train for excellence.

Clinics are located at the Abraham Ratner Children’s Eye Center at UCSD, the Shiley Eye Institute at UCSD, UCSD Medical Center in Hillcrest, the San Diego Veterans Administration Medical Center in La Jolla and the San Diego Naval Medical Center and Hospital.


The UCSD Abraham Ratner Children’s Eye Center is located in beautiful La Jolla, California. It was designed to create an atmosphere that delights children and makes them feel more comfortable from the moment they walk in. Our state-of–the-art examination rooms are specially designed to evaluate sight and disease in patients of all ages. The Ratner Eye Center sits on the Shiley Eye Institute complex. The Shiley Eye Institute has the most technologically advanced diagnostic equipment available in the world. The Shiley surgery suite is one of the few in the country originally designed and completely devoted to eye surgeries. The surgical team has perfected complicated skills, restoring and improving sight to thousands of adults and children.

Surgeries are performed at the Shiley Eye Institute, UCSD Medical Center, UCSD Thornton Hospital, the San Diego VA Medical Center, Rady Children’s Hospital and Health Center and the San Diego Naval Hospital. The fellow is an integral part of the surgical team at all sites and staffs the VA monthly Strabismus Service.

Several specialty clinics add to the experience. The fellow participates in the UCSD Thyroid Eye Center clinic, a multi-disciplinary clinic staffed by strabismus, neuro-ophthalmology and ophthalmic plastics specialists. There is also a monthly multi-disciplinary Craniofacial Clinic at Rady Children’s Hospital and a monthly Strabismus Clinic at the VA Medical Center. NICU rounds screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity and other genetic diseases are performed weekly. The fellow participates in ROP treatments.

The fellowship provides a wide spectrum of experience including: medical and surgical management of strabismus, amblyopia, genetic and developmental abnormalities, vision screening, dyslexia, trauma, ocular tumors, external ocular disease, lacrimal disorders, uveal disorders, retinopathy of prematurity, pediatric glaucoma, thyroid ophthalmopathy and Grave’s Disease, ROP, Botulinum toxin injections, and other pediatric ocular related disorders. Sensorimotor training of the visual system is augmented by our outstanding teaching oriented orthoptist.

The fellow will be on backup call for pediatric ophthalmology emergencies at the University. This averages about twice a month including phone and in person interactions.

This fellowship integrates three types of learning experiences to prepare the fellow for practice in either an academic or private setting.

  • Working closely with the primary director
  • Caring for pediatric ophthalmology patients as the primary caregiver in his/her own clinic
  • Supervising and attending the residents with their strabismus patients

Our fellows graduate with confidence in all areas of pediatric ophthalmology and adult strabismus. This fellowship emphasizes difficult strabismus surgery, Botulinum toxin for strabismus and the management of ROP.


What to Expect

David B. Granet, M.D., FACS, FAAP, FAAO is the Director of the Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship program. Dr. Granet is Director of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Eye Alignment Disorders at UCSD. He is also the co-founder of the World Society for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
Curriculum Vitae

Fellowship Preceptor Scott McClatchey, M.D. who is Director of Pediatric Ophthalmology at the San Diego Naval Medical Center. He is renown for his work in predicting ocular growth patterns to assist in Pediatric IOL choice.
Curriculum Vitae

Fellowship Preceptor Shira L. Robbins, M.D., FAAP, FAAO is an Associate Clinical Professor and Director of Education for the Pediatric Ophthalmology Division at the University of California, San Diego. She is a diverse teacher and researcher who facilitates all NICU ophthalmic care.
Curriculum Vitae

The fellow will spend the majority of time with the primary director and one to two days per week with the other preceptors. All preceptors are committed to teaching and providing the fellow with the best learning experience possible.

In addition, fellows will gain deeper exposure to the pediatric ophthalmology subspecialties through the many Shiley Eye Institute faculty with pediatrics expertise.

Pediatric Cornea - Natalie Afshari MD, Stuart Brown MD, Chris Heichel MD

Genetics - Radha Aayagari PhD

Pediatric GlaucomaRobert Weinreb, MD

Pediatric Oculoplastics - Bobby Korn MD / PhD, Don Kikkawa MD

Pediatric Retina - Henry Ferreyra MD, Michael Goldbaum MD, Eric Nudleman MD / PhD



The fellow will hold an official appointment in the UCSD Department of Ophthalmology as a Clinical Instructor. Fellows are also expected to actively participate in teaching activities in the Department of Ophthalmology. The Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus has twice weekly clinical conferences, six annual journal clubs, fifteen formal resident teaching sessions annually and Departmental Grand Rounds presentations throughout the year. The fellow will work closely with the residents assigned to the pediatric ophthalmology service

[123] [aap-book]

Podcast & Interviews

Please view our growing informational video podcast series at ShileyMedia, hosted by Dr. Granet.
This interview on Retinopathy of Prematurity can also be found there.



In addition to clinical and surgical experiences, all fellows are expected to participate in clinical or basic science research and to present findings at local, regional or national meetings. Collaboration with other members of the Department of Ophthalmology faculty can be arranged for projects of mutual interest. Excellent statistical support, tissue processing, and confocal microscopy is available. Presentations at important meetings (some around the world) are typical.  http://shileyeye.ucsd.edu/research




AAPOS 2015, New Orleans
Fellow Kyle Miller's poster won 'Best in Show'
A Comparison of Knots Used in Adjustable Suture Strabismus Surgery
Drs. McClatchey, Robbins, Miller (fellow), Granet and Kinori (fellow)


AAPOS 2015 - New Orleans LA
Fellow Dr Micki Kinori (center) with his poster on measuring AL in infants with Drs Robbins and Granet

Medical Licensure

Medical licensure from the California Medical Board is required. Information can be obtained from:

  • The Medical Board of California
 2005 Evergreen Street  1200 
Sacramento, CA 95815 

  • (800) 633-2322 or (916) 263-2382
  • www.mbc.ca.gov

The fellow should begin the application process for obtaining a California medical license at least 6-9 months prior to the fellowship start date.



The one year fellowship begins July 1st and ends mid July each year. The fellow must have completed an ACGME accredited residency in ophthalmology and be eligible for a California Medical License. To apply for the fellowship in pediatric ophthalmology, please send your application through the SF Match program. Three letters of recommendation (preferably one from the program director or department chair) are also required.
For further information or specific questions, please contact Amy Le, Fellowship Coordinator at (858) 534-7440 or e-mail at ayle@health.ucsd.edu

The application deadline is October 1st for the following year. Selected applicants will then be invited to San Diego for an interview with both directors and their facilities. Interviews are conducted during the months of September, October and November. Interview accommodations may be possible at the AAO meeting. The deadline for match submission is the first week in December each year.


Life as a Fellow



Fellow Reunion Dinner at the AAO Las Vegas 2015


Involvement as an Advocacy Ambassador


This program encourages Fellows training in a pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus fellowship programs and/or ophthalmology residents intending to pursue pediatric ophthalmology strabismus fellowship training to attend the AAO's Mid-Year Forum in Washington, DC as an Advocacy Ambassador.

Our fellows, Salma Khayali, Kyle Miller and most recently Megha Pansara were each selected in a competitive process by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) to serves as an Advocacy Ambassadors.

This year's meeting will take place April 26-29, and the AAP SOOp Advocacy Ambassador will be Dr. Megha Pansara from the Shiley Eye Institute at University of California, San Diego. The Section is thrilled to support Dr. Pansara, who states "the Mid-Year Forum represents the opportunity not only to stay current on policy affecting ophthalmology but also a unique venue to hear from and meet individuals who I admire and hope to emulate; individuals who work tirelessly as advocates for our profession and who brainstorm to offer solutions to the most complex problems."

We look forward to hearing about Dr. Pansara's experience as AAO members and other ophthalmic leaders gather at the Mid-Year Forum to discuss critical issues facing ophthalmology.

Dr. Pansara of Shiley Eye Institute is attending courtesy of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) as an AAP SOOp Advocacy Ambassador.




Medical, dental and vision insurance is provided to the fellow. Professional liability insurance will also be covered during training. The fellow’s salary will be paid according to the UCSD Department of Ophthalmology fellowship scale. A travel allowance is available for attendance to the annual AAPOS and AAO meetings. Accommodation may be possible for an international meeting. Two weeks of non-consecutive personal leave/vacation is allowed each year.

Housing and Location

Kweku Grant-Acquah, M.D. '13-14 with fellowship preceptor Shira Robbins, M.D. at the Davis Cup tennis championship 2014.

Many fellows and residents choose to live in apartments or condos nearby one of the UCSD campuses. The Ratner Eye Center and Shiley Eye Institute are located in the Golden Triangle/UTC area of San Diego and provide a convenient location for work, shopping, and recreational activities. The UCSD Medical Center is located in the Hillcrest area of San Diego. It is centrally located and also offers exceptional shopping, dining, and recreation.

San Diego is located in southern California on the beautiful coast of the Pacific Ocean. San Diego is the nation’s sixth largest city and is considered by many to have an ideal climate. Approximately 2.5 million people inhabit the city and surrounding areas. It is home to Sea World, the world-famous San Diego Zoo, professional sports teams and hosts numerous cultural and entertainment events. In addition to a dynamic year of learning Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, our fellows take advantage of their locale- learning to surf, run the rock n’ roll marathon and kayaking.

• Interested applicants may forward questions by email to:
Amy Le, the fellowship coordinator.


Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of UC San Diego Campus

Alumni Testimonials

UCSD Applicants

More Questions?

Contact us for any remaining questions about residency at Shiley Eye Institute.


The Shiley Eye Institute is a full-service facility offering everything from basic eye exams to the most advanced diagnostic tests and sophisticated surgery from world-renowned physicians and staff.


9415 Campus Point Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0946

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